Waiver, Disclaimer & Absolute Release
- As the “Customer” I hereby represent that I have completed appropriate mechanical/electrical checks and that I have full authority to authorize the testing/tuning of this vehicle and to enter into this Waiver/Release.
- I am aware that all tests are intended to be and will be at maximum performance and at wide-open throttle as required, thus applying stress similar to that which the vehicle would experience during operation on the track and is therefore susceptible to the same risks as on the track which may cause engine, power train and/or tire/wheel failure or damage.
- As the “Customer” I know and accept the risk of running my vehicle on the dynamometer.
- As the “Customer” I hereby represent that I know the condition of the vehicle and I assure that it is in acceptable condition to run on the dynamometer. I have been advised that ASAP MOTO does not know, nor assumes any such knowledge of the condition of the vehicle being tested/tuned and I nevertheless, agree to have my vehicle run on the dynamometer. As the “Customer” I represent that all parts of the vehicle are in good condition and are capable of full power and full throttle performance during any testing/tuning being performed.
- Therefore, I hereby release ASAP MOTO from any liability of any nature for damage or other losses which may be sustained as a result of the testing/tuning on the Dynojet Chassis Dynamometer
- As the “Customer”, I also agree to be held financially liable for any damages or losses incurred by ASAP MOTO resulting either directly or indirectly from any mechanical or electrical failure of my vehicle. This includes damage caused to the dynamometer, building, and shop equipment
- As the “Customer”, I agree to a flat fee of $200.00 plus any additional costs to be paid by me to ASAP MOTO in the event that my vehicle is determined to be “un-tuneable” in its current condition due to defective electrical or mechanical systems resulting from defective parts or mechanical failure or improper configuration/installation of parts once the vehicle has been loaded onto the Dynamometer for testing and tuning.
- Finally, as the “Customer”, I agree to forfeit my $200 deposit if the appointment is not canceled within 48 hours notice. (May be waived for first time customers).
ASAP MOTO delivers the finest service in upgrading closed course vehicles for peak performance. We strive to take your vehicle to the next level of capability that you have envisioned.
While delivering these services to our customers, ASAP MOTO operates within the laws of NJ which fundamentally forbid modifications to vehicles manufactured to be driven on NJ highways. Anything done to a vehicle which takes it outside compliance with these laws is illegal. State and federal laws that govern this are extensive and far too lengthy for ASAP MOTO set forth in detail here. However, the essence and rationale of these laws are safety in nature. The laws prohibit making vehicles non compliant with local, state and federal emissions regulations; making a vehicle capable of obtaining vehicle speeds unsafe for driving on NJ roads; making vehicles capable of obtaining conditions exceeding safe vehicle speeds based on mechanical conditions of the vehicle such as tire speed ratings; and making a vehicle capable of exceeding mechanical limits of engine speeds, power output and mechanical stress on the power train, driveline, chassis and body of the vehicle.
These laws do not govern closed courses or racing vehicles. The customer hereby acknowledges that they are aware of ASAP MOTO policy in regards to these laws and declares that their vehicle will not be driven on NJ roads or highways once the work is completed by ASAP MOTO. customer further declares that they understand and acknowledge that ASAP MOTO is performing service on the customer's vehicle on the condition that said vehicle is in fact an off-road vehicle and will not be driven on NJ roads or highways.